Governor Linda Lee Biography

Linda Lee was born on August 12, 1969 in Nox City, North Lorray. She served as the 45th Mayor Of Nox City from 2018 - 2022. She attended Zankburg Nox City University where she obtained her Business Management, Business Administration and Policial Science Degrees. She made North Lorray history by becoming the first Female to become the State's Governor. 

On February 17, 2024, she was re-elected to a second term as North Lorray's Governor winning 272 of the 270 votes needed to win re-election. She was sworn in for her second term on March 15, 2024. During her first term she accomplished more in her first 2 months of her Governorship in terms of the Economy, School Safety, Wellfare programs and providing funding for border security and transportation safety.